Category Archives: Miscellaneous

First Day of School

Gary, just opened your site — I’m so impressed with the amount of work you have put into this.  It’s amazing — no wonder you have been under so much pressure!  It will all be worth it when it’s finally completed.  You and Sam should be very proud of yourselves — I am!!

Love you,

We have been trying to think what to make our first “official” post. Nothing could be better than the message above we received last night. No matter how old you are, words from of encouragement from mom can do wonders. I’m headed off to school in a few minutes, Sam has a full day or errands and calls to make. We will both take mom’s note “with” us today.

Today starts a new chapter in American “education” of gay rights, our website is functioning enough to start sharing with people today, and our future is in the hands of the the nation “educators.”  Today feels like the first day of school. A new school where all are welcome to attend.

Thanks mom for sending your son and son-in-law off to the “school of hard knocks”  with a “note in our lunch bag” to help us through the day. We love you too.