Meet the Bully Buddies: Graham and McCain!

Sen. Graham: Immigration For LGBT Couples Would End My Support (full article link)

Immigration Reform and the UAFA Amendment…It is NOT about marriage equality… it is about a CIVIL and HUMAN RIGHTS equality that an American should have the right to be allowed to LEGALLY LIVE with an individual from another country as recognized family or spouses. This is the problem that many individuals can just not separate.

The right of an American citizen to sponsor their partner (spouse, civil union, partnership, family member…whatever it may be called, wherever you were legally joined, within or outside the U.S….) to just LIVE with them, is NOT considered as part of Comprehensive Immigration Reform??! Then what agency would define these requirements? The DMV? (well, you could at least get a driver’s license from a state, and country, you don’t legally reside in).  (Note to Sen McCain: That sure is good border security, Sir!)

25 other countries allow sponsorship to live with their partner from another country. Can you honestly tell me, as a citizen of the United States, that I do NOT have the liberty to allow someone from another country live with me? Do you realize the economic impact…that 25 countries -allowing sponsorship, how that gives those nations an economic advantage with employment?

(And really?…. the disparaging aspects…of a US citizen’s who is lawful, pays taxes, volunteers his time, and has a career that benefits society….yet….there are plans included in the current reform that give persons who are in the US illegally provisional rights?!- Seriously?? Yet I am not allowed to lawfully live with/sponsor someone from another country as my partner/spouse!?  However, I can sponsor someone who i barely know from extended family abroad. Point understood Sen. McCain or do I need to mention names, dates, and locations?)

You debate UAFA inclusion Sen. Graham as not being part of Immigration Reform, therefore I must ask, on what grounds does it not fall under USCIS and Homeland Security? NOT grounds based on your own, your constituents, or any personal/social agenda influences? This is IMMIGRATION LAW REFORM you are addressing, NOT MARRIAGE law. What factors of the Immigration Reform Law does this cause conflict with?

Let me remind you (solely for my own enjoyment)…25 OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE BETTER HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS than THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! That’s, simply put, a shame on this nation! Actually, I retract that. It is not a shame on the nation, but on yourselves Sen. Graham and Sen. McCain.

I received an email from Immigration Equality just as I was writing this so I am including the important info on Sen. Graham and Sen. McCain below. This is cut and past directly form the email….

Action of the Week: Call Senators McCain and Graham today

Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, two Republican members of the Senate “Gang of Eight” on immigration, are bullying our friends, and are working overtime to keep LGBT families out of immigration reform. And we cannot let them get away with it.

Senator McCain, when asked if the provision were included, said: “Before we get that far, I’ll do everything in my power to see that it’s not there.” McCain said the provision was “not necessary” for the immigration bill. This is unacceptable, our families’ inclusion is absolutely necessary, and Senator McCain needs to hear from you today! CALL HIM NOW: Senator John McCain of Arizona: (202) 224-2235

Senator Graham called the Uniting American Families Act inclusion in immigration reform a “bad idea” and has pushed others to vote against it. A permanent solution to the struggle our families face is not a “bad idea” but a just and fair one and Senator Graham needs a call from you today! CALL HIM NOW: Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina: (202) 224-5972

These Senators have to receive this message, and we need you to help us deliver it!!!!

“My name is ____________________and I support the Uniting American Families Act. [Briefly describe why this issue is important and personal to you]…Close with: So, I am calling today to ask the Senator to stop demeaning gays and instead help real American families! I ask that the Senator stop opposing the Uniting American Families Act and gay families’ inclusion in immigration reform because our families matter, too.”

Your voice matters, our families matter, and you making these calls matters.

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