Thank You! So How’d We Celebrate?

We had dinner knowing that is all we had to do! šŸ™‚ Unfortunately that also meant not responding to all the support and congratulations we received!Ā  We can’t thank everyone enough for sending such supportive messages and sharing our situation with others. We had the pleasure of receiving a call from CT Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty to congratulate us and thank us for fighting (if you knew anything about her family’s history in equality, you would understand the irony of her, thanking us). We had support messages from people we do not know (that is a great feeling -so hard to explain). And of course, the support and love you know you have from family and friends; then to see it written out for the world to see.

crows-hiWe knew there would still be a wait and we have some unexpected legal obstacles that have surfaced since yesterday- and we will not allow them to keep us from moving ahead sooner than later. Sam and I just wanted to be allowed to live together. After pursuing it legally and being denied rights: that is when we decided how discriminatory absurd a system/benefit it was and decided to go public and fight. We are not discouraged, we are still excited, but we still have some fighting left to go.

US April 2009

US April 2009

We have been waiting for a day to be allowed to just live together for almost 4 years now. We know marriages that have lasted 1/4 of that. We are entitled to swift response from the Federal Government instructing USCIS (they do not make the laws, just follow) on what to do for cases such as ours; one specifically asked to be held in abeyance by Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT). There are many others besides ourselves in this situation. The President’s response to the Immigration situation is unacceptable with regard to those of us who “lost” despite the administration’s “not defending DOMA”. It was not defended, but it was enforced. The President’s statement not addressing cases it was enforced upon as priority was very disappointing. Not having one already prepared for USCIS does not follow the compassion the administration has said it gives.

For 3 years we waited on doing everything legally. Immigration lawyer turns out to be complete liar and nothing was ever submitted. We follow the law, she breaks it, and we wind up losingĀ  In October Sam’s told he can no longer visit- last trip allowed in.Ā StrikeĀ  1.

US April 2013

US April 2013

Other options we then applied for, twice, failed us and legally should not have. DOMA was originally struck down in October 2012 in Federal Dist 2. There was no “stay” on the case. Therefore, as resident of CT (in Dist 2.) Gary’s entitled to sponsor Sam (which is only a FEDERAL BENEFIT to married couples) to live with him as his spouse. Any “green-card” would be post DOMA ruling yesterday- but all benefits (work, travel, drive) interim. Again, the law went against US. StrikeĀ  2.

Sam and I will moving ahead sooner than later. There will be no StrikeĀ  3.

We will know more specifics of legal route we are going to follow over the next few days. We REALLY thank you for your support – not just for now, but for in the future as well.



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